Why SEO is important
If you are asking this question "Why SEO is important" then we highly recommend you research "What Is SEO?" because when you understand what SEO is doing you will see the importance and never question it again.
If you understand how a search engine robot works and what for example Google does and what Google's clever algorithm does you will understand the importance of SEO. Remember Google is changing constantly to make the user experience better so understanding where it all started is key as these are more simple fundamentals to understand.
SEO - Conversations to show examples of how indepth SEO goes!
In this final episode of SEO Mythbusting, Martin Splitt (WebMaster Trends Analyst, Google) and his guest Dion Almaer (Director, Web Dev Ecosystem, Google) discuss what technical SEO might look like as the web keeps evolving, such as:
The same content in multiple versions, PWA/desktop site/AMP/etc. vs Google Search and SEO (2:19)
Current & future web & SEO tool integration (Google & third parties) (4:50)
The “unknown” variables & search performance (7:32)
Are web components and virtual scroller compatible with SEO? (10:06)
The future of assistants, and semantic & structured data (12:38)
Documentation mentioned in this episode:
Chrome Dev Summit 18’ - Keynote → https://goo.gle/2ZZulSI
Search-related tools → https://goo.gle/2XBnwcF
Web components → https://goo.gle/2XlTlqw
Virtual scroller → https://goo.gle/326tukX
Fix search-related JavaScript problems → https://goo.gle/search-js-troubleshooter
In the last episode of SEO Mythbusting season 2, Martin Splitt (Developer Advocate, Google) and Barry Schwartz (CEO, RustyBrick) discuss the relationship between Google and the SEO community.
Specific timestamped topics discussed in this episode:
What does ‘it depends’ depend on? (0:00)
Introduction to the episode (0:59)
Featured snippets, publishers & Google (2:03)
Too little transparency, too much transparency? (5:03)
Submitting feedback (7:00)
Not using Android or Chrome data for ranking (7:56)
AMP & the Top Stories Carousel (9:15)
More on Google’s communication with the SEO community (11:52)
Why doesn’t Martin Splitt want to know about ranking? (16:02)
‘The best possible website’ & user testing (17:04)
Bloopers 🙂 (19:16)