What is SEO?

What is SEO and how does it work is a question that is vital for any business to ask and understand. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and this is the process of adding additional information to a website to help the search engine spiders understand the content being analysed for inclusion in SERPs search engine results pages.

Every website will have headings, words, images and lots of websites will be aimed at the same content, so to ensure your website appears in the search results you have to ensure the information on the website pages conforms to guidelines.

Helping the search engine spider understand the website content means that the search engine database can then use this content for inclusion within the search results.

For example a 1,000 worded page of text with no website page title, no page description, no heading related to the content information and then maybe an image named DSC10001.jpg is not going to ever be added to Google.

SEO Google Rankings

Example of Website Page SEO?

As an example, lets take a look at this page itself.

The webpage URL = https://www.wordpressseo.co.uk/what-is-seo/

This tells search engine spiders and visitors the page is going to be about "What is SEO" and by default in WordPress the setting would should the page id:-


Within WordPress you visit the admin section and go to settings and then permalinks (/wp-admin/options-permalink.php) to find the default options available.

Changing the permalink to postname now makes the URL relevant to the content.

The data provided to search engines related to what is know as META data is as follows:-

Meta Title (28 characters) = What is SEO? | WordPress SEO
Meta Description (144 characters) = SEO - Search Engine Optimisation is the process of adding additional information to a website for inclusion in SERPs search engine results pages

<H1> What is SEO?
<H2> Example of Website Page SEO?

The headings within the content are related to the subject matter, reference in the URL and the metadata. This helps the search engine spider understand the content and then the text wording should then match the data already provided.

The result will be inclusion in the SERP pages and attract visitors.

To understand more about how to add plugins and control the information being provided to search engine spiders keep on ready more. Knowledge is so important to achieve success online.


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